Tur (ICPL87119 ASHA)
Tur seeds Arhar is grown as annual but tur seeds varieties grow like perennial plants. The plants are bushy, densely branched having a height of about 150 cm to 300 cm depending upon type and management practices.
Plant Characters
ICPL 87119 is a medium-duration variety with an indeterminate growth habit. Its stem is
green and its flowers are yellow, with red streaks on the back of the standard petal. The
pods are green with maroon streaks. Its plant height ranges from 140 to 227 cm. Its time to
50% flowering ranges between 110 and 125 days and it takes 160 to 202 days for 75%
Seed Characters
The seeds of ICPL 87119 are brown and oval with a 100-seed mass ranging from 10.2 to
11.2 g. The mean dhal protein content in ICPL 87119 seeds is 21.2% compared with 22.2%
in seeds of the control cultivar C 11. A taste panel of 10 members at ICRISAT Center found
ICPL 87119 to be generally acceptable and rated it high in general acceptance (3.3 on a
1-4 scale, where 1 – unacceptable, and 4 = excellent) in comparison with the control
cultivars C 11 (2.6) and BDN 1 (3.1).
The yield performance of ICPL 87119 was evaluated at ICRISAT Center and other Indian
locations in the Medium-duration Pigeonpea Advanced Lines Yield Trial (MPAY) during
the 1987/88 cropping season. ICPL 87119 was entered in the ACT 2 trial of AICPIP in the
1989/90 cropping season because of its superior performance. It was tested in the central
and south zones of India between the 1989/90 and the 1991/92 cropping seasons. In the
central zone, the weighted mean seed yield of ICPL 87119 over 16 locations was 20%
higher (1.51 t ha-1) than that of the control variety C 11 (1.26 t ha-1).
1. Duration : 180 To 200 days.
2. wilt resistant.
3. seed bold & red color.
4. 100 seeds weight 10 to 11 gram.
5. yield 10 To 12 Qt/Ha